Thank you for taking the time to visit with us online.
I praise the Savior today that we are a God fearing people. In the good times and in the bad, in joys and sorrows, we stand together as one family. I am so proud to say that I am the pastor of Morning View Baptist Church. This is a church where the people love one another and where burdens are shared.
It is my desire that everyone that travels Highway 278 going East and/or West will say “There is the church on the hill that is on fire for the Lord.”
My prayer is that weekly we will have commitments, rededications, and that people will be serious and come wanting to worship the Lord and that many will want to join in with us.
We meet each week to worship and celebrate our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Our worship service is a time of prayer, singing, inspiration, and biblical preaching. Our members are friendly, our doctrine is sound, and our hope steadfast! If you are looking for a church “Where it’s all about HIM” – Morning View is for you!
Brother Jeff and Sister Lisa